It’s been awhile since I offered any updates from the writing desk, but I assure you that’s not because I’ve been asleep at it. Not all the time, at least. And the latest sleep research on naps and creativity suggests actually that…I digress. Here’s what’s been going on:

Rise the Dark
The new novel, Rise the Dark, is through the copyedit stage and headed toward galley copies. We have a beautiful new cover to share. What do you think? It has that “lighthearted-cheerful feeling” that I always strive for in my writing, doesn’t it? Galleys will arrive within the next week or so, and we will be hosting some contests on Facebook, so stay tuned to that page if you want to win an advance copy, four months ahead of the rest of the world.
I’m currently at work on a script rewrite of Those Who Wish Me Dead for 20th Century Fox. Very excited about this, and really enjoying it. The Blackwell brothers, in particular, have been fun to revisit. I’ve really missed their unique patter, the rhythm of their terrifying ways. I don’t know what that says about me. Let’s not pause to consider it too deeply. Moving on…
I’ve been on the road a bit lately, which has been fun, but does not please The Editor. The Editor is unwavering in his time at the desk, whether I’m around or not, and he is not shy about expressing his displeasure when I return from a brief absence. I’d share an audio clip of his thoughts, but it’s not safe for the workplace, or anyplace where children might overhear.
It’s still early, but already 2016 has been a good year for reading, and there are plenty of titles on the horizon that I’m excited for, as well. Some favorites from early in the year include Orphan X by Gregg Hurwitz, The Ex by Alafair Burke (lots of X-action this year, no?) and Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World, by Adam Grant. Pending release that you should pre-order now: The Fireman, by Joe Hill. It’s due in May, I believe, and was a favorite galley read of 2015.
Meanwhile, you can get a taste of Rise the Dark here, with the first of several excerpts to come. Hope you enjoy.
Until next time – keep reading, my friends!